Edition – 2025 – 26
The Study of Botany requires at least three processes; learning, i.e. acquiring knowledge; understanding of this knowledge; application of learning and understanding. A very good way of achieving this objective is through solving the objective problems.
This book is a collection of multiple choice problems with their possible answers. In the new revised edition the author has attempted to present a brief survey of each unit so that students can answer various questions. This has been achieving by providing a summary of factual contents of the varies topics. The problems have been arranged chapter-wise and there should be no difficulty for the student to learn the subject. The following points may be helpful. The students should carefully read the question and make sure that he understands what is required. A point in this connection is well worth nothing. The answer may appear so obvious that the student does not stop to think about it. It may well be that the problem is really very simple, but it may also be that there is something odd about it, i.e., the expected answer is wrong one. The student should always think before he ticks out the right answer after about five minutes, he cannot offer absolution, he should read the answers. It is better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all.
If you read this diligently and practice, you will gain satisfaction of an increasing knowledge and clear concept of the subject.
The author hopes that the revised edition of the book which has been modified with study material will be useful to the students appearing for C. C. (prelim.) Exam. Any suggestion for further improvement of the book will be acknowledged with thanks.
Finally I must express my appreciation for the assistance and encouragement I received from my wife. I am sure that the book will serve those for whom it is written.
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